It's that time of year again when Trimont steps up to Feed the Need! In March, TCA students will be packing over 10,000 meals to help beat hunger in Macon County through CareNet and No Wrong Door. Some of our meals will also go to the NE Georgia Food Bank (Clayton) and Bangladesh. This event also allows TCA to raise much needed funds for the school. We are looking forward to utilizing funds to close the financial gap and provide the sustainability that keeps tuition costs at an affordable rate.

Feed the Need Host Team

Event Director - Pete Rodewald

Corporate Sponsor Captains - Tami Zuiderveen & Aubrey Balmer

Day of Event Captain - Tami Zuiderveen & Stephanie DuChemin

Communications Captain - Pete Rodewald & Stephanie DuChemin

Data Captain - Stephanie DuChemin

Prayer Captain - T.B.D.


The March Calendar Challenge is simple! Find someone to sponsor each day of the month with a matching donation (ie. March 10th = $10, March 25th = $25, etc.). The March 2024 Calendar will be posted February 27th. Click here for the March calendar!


For our goal to be reached, we must first and foremost turn it over to God. Through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving in our hearts, God will hear our need and will open the doors that need to be opened. We encourage all families to join us every Thursday, starting February 28th at 3:28pm, in prayer for our event. 4 Weeks to Prayer Guide

Goal Thermometer

Here's where we will keep track of our fundraising thermometer. We will also have thermometers at school, hung up by the preschool gym entrance and K-8 main entrance.  Our goal will be $75,000. We ended last year's campaign at $62,960. This amount was made up of business and personal sponsors. Looking forward to seeing who will partner with us this year. RISE UP EAGLES & FEED THE NEED!